Heat Pump Purchase a 3 ton Goodman Heat Pump with dual stage compressor for cooling and heating, with variable speed fan also a dual stage Emergency Heating up to 34k BTU (used for heat when outside temperature is below 17 deg. Used the existing 'Water Evaportor' Cooling duct work, installed a 18" dia return duct with grill and filter. Also had to relocated the bath room cooling duct to to the newly created SW room (my room). Added a 50 Amp circuit to the main electrical box, then ran electrical cabling across the attic, 100 ft, to the Heat Pump cut-off box. then rewired the Heat Pump with 8 awg wiring to handle the added emergency heat. Installed a 2:1 roof curb, then had to manufactured the 18" dia duct to 12" x 22" inlet/outlet transition ducting. Finally installed a multi stage Cooling/Heating/Em. Heating Thermostat with an internet interface for remote operation and outside weather conditions (thermostat uses information for analyzing and predicting operation)